Field research: PILGRIM

Field research: PILGRIM
Northumberland Coast 07/05/2019 – 20/05/2019
Unit identifier: ...kruse

The unit spent 13 days investigating a stretch of the Northumberland coast between Berwick-upon-Tweed and Alnmouth. Unit moved through the area primarily by walking with public transport (buses and trains) used to move longer distances between areas surveyed.

Mission parameters: 
1. Investigate diversity of flora and fauna in coastal, farmed and semi wild environments.
Collect data pertaining to wildlife diversity. Data collection to include sound recordings, photographs, species sightings with latitude and longitude references and collecting material samples. 
2. Test biological unit functioning.
Test and collect data on biological unit’s capacity to function in a range of meteorological and geographical situations. Improve biological unit’s aerobic capacity and muscle strength. .
Continue kit testing begun during Norfolk recon (see Report No 2). Report on weather protection capability of unit’s current armour. 
3. Remove plastic debris from ecologically sensitive sites.

Investigate diversity of flora and fauna in coastal, farmed and semi wild environments. Results: 
The unit recorded 77 species across the following categories: trees & shrubs - herbs & grasses - fungi - lichen & mosses - seaweeds - birds - mammals - reptiles - amphibians - butterflies - moths spiders - bees - beetles - other insects - invertebrates. 
    A (currently uncounted) number of photographs were taken of the landscapes the unit traversed. Photographic data was collected of flowering species and seashore species. Sound recordings were made of birdsong and landscape elements. The unit made an audio record of species seen during a short expedition across farmland adjacent to the coast. The transcript is available at:
    The unit’s digital photography equipment was not sufficient to record birdlife with any success. An upgrade to this equipment is recommended. Similarly the unit is not currently equipped with enhanced vision, it is recommended that the unit is equipped with binocular vision for it’s next mission. 
    The unit reported difficulties documenting species in the field and proposes the following upgrades:
  1. Improvements to it’s onboard species recognition programme
  2. A voice responsive recording system
  3. Improved photographic capabilities
Note: education upgrades have been approved and will be implemented in due course. Photographic and voice responsive system upgrades will be implemented after discussion with Finance.

Test biological unit functioning. Results: 
The unit walked 93.4 miles, an average daily mileage of 7.1. It’s resting heart rate was 64bpm during the mission, up from it’s baseline measurement of 60.6bpm. Its average maximum exertion rate was 131bpm increased from its baseline of 122.9bpm. The maximum exertion rate is conducive to sustained aerobic improvement. 
    1,910 feet of elevation gained a daily average of 146ft. The coastal terrain was somewhat more variable than the terrain found during the Norfolk recon. 
    The unit reported no difficulty with traversing upward elevation but experienced difficulty on downward slopes. 
    The biological unit is not an optimal specimen being an older model with an inherent auto immune condition causing unit-wide inflammation. Additionally, there is known damage to both knee joints and possible damage to sacral spine (unconfirmed by xray - unit reports ‘pain’ in this area).
Medical recommendations:
    1.Include knee and possibly elbow bracing in design of new armour
    2. Unit reports pain sensation and stiffness throughout biological parts. Dose with 200mg Ibuprofen daily after morning rations. Is also permitted up to 400mg of Ibuprofen daily alternating with or taken in conjunction with 500 to 1,000mg of Paracetamol as required.
    3. Further consultation with rheumatology, physiotherapy and occupational therapy recommended
Unit is finding that optimising energy intake for the biological unit is problematic and requests a full nutritional ration plan. This will be implemented with immediate effect.
Remove plastic debris from ecologically sensitive sites. Results:
The unit collected an 5lbs of plastic during the mission.