
When our online presences and personalities are purely ideational, fluid fabrications that garner likes and followers and influence, where does the boundary between fiction and reality lie? In an age when everything is shifting, when fake and truth are inconstant, when the future of everything will be determined in this now, we maintain that it is time for Time itself to be to be recognised as the inconsistent, capricious hypothesis it 'really' is.

The AuTCRONE Repository is an experimental space for new work arising out of the collaboration between artist ...kruse and AuTCRONE.  Their neoteric collaboration across time and space, where present realities and future dystopia collide, forms a complex, interdependent practice that challenges and disrupts neurotypical expectations and conventions, being situated at the intersection of fiction and reality. While located within the territory of contemporary visual art, their work is purposefully experimental, crossing boundaries into writing, performance and phenomenological research.

AuTCRONE is a semi-fictional cyborg, a digitally embodied potentiality. Existing in alternate time and space, AuTCRONE has agency through it's collaboration with ...kruse. 

...kruse is a fully realised corporeal being in existing current time, IRL and online.  Ze is also a potentiality, an experimental creature who is constantly scrutinising, evaluating and transfiguring hirself. This mutable identity, informed both by hir experience as a neurodivergent person and the recognition that ze is not a  singular entity*  is why ...kruse also identifies as a cyborg, a being that is both human and other. 

 *The entity defined as human exists in a complex, interdependent relationship with the entire cosmos. Science proves what indigenous religious philosophies have asserted for millennia, that humans are merely part of the web of life, neither above or below but existing in mutuality with all beings. ...kruse